Speech Research @ UoA
Speech Research @ UoA
The history of this group is strongly intertwined to the MAONZE research project and the MAONZE research group. The MAONZE group studies sound change over time in te reo Māori. Many researchers in this group are part of the MAONZE group and other MAONZE researchers also guide and support our work. for more details on the MAONZE research group and the interesting projects that they are part of visit the MAONZE Research Group website
We have some exciting opportunities for you:
PhD Student Call – Click here for more details
Also, contact us if you are interested to work with us on any of our projects as part of your Masters, PhD, Post-doctoral research or as Research Engineers/Scientists/Assistants.
our projects
Aotearoa voices
Website courtesy: Chinmay Deshmukh, Kungeng Wu, Jin Kyu Kim, Ernest Wong, Kazuki Saegusa, Meet Patel, Brian Nguyen, Samantha Woon

Events in 2023

Māori Speech Hui - 06, 07 JULY 2023
We organised a Māori Speech Hui to facilitate conversation about all things happening in the field of Māori speech and language technology development.

LangSoc - Lingusitic Society Conference - 28 to 30 DECEMBER 2023
Lingusitic Society of New Zealand Conference was hosted by the University of Auckland this year.
More fun stuff we have been upto …
exciting stuff
What’s the group upto?
Speech Research @ UoA in Māori TV
July 1 2021
The Māori Speech Hui organised by the Speech Research group and various members of the group were featured on Māori TV:
Dr. Peter J Keegan on te ao Māori news
July 5 2021
Dr. Peter J Keegan was interviewed by Te ao Māori news about the differen research initiatives the speech group has been doing in te reo Māori.
Watch the full interview here: https://www.teaomaori.news/getting-rid-cartire-pronunciation-when-siri-and-google-mean-kaitaia
Jesin James on bFM
July 6 2021
Jesin James was interviewed by bFM about the different speech technology related research activities Jesin is involved in. Listen to the full interview here: https://95bfm.com/bcast/ready-steady-learn-w-jesin-james-july-6-2021
Māori Speech Technology Workshop 2021
July 2 2021
We organised a Māori Speech Technology Workshop – an opportunity for undergrad and postgrad students to learn about te reo Māori speech and language technology development from industry experts and academics. 30 students from different parts of Aotearoa attended the workshop.
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